Some thoughts…

I’ll admit…I’m a bit of an organized hoarder. Yes, I may or may not have most significant papers and documents from Pre-Kindergarten to Present paper protected in carefully organized binders…sitting in my basement. However, from High School - Present, there has been and less paper, mainly digital.

Bitcoin has made me hyper-aware of open-sourcing knowledge, (my) energy, and Proof of Work.

Learning is something I love and it seems a shame to spend so much time on school work, to never see it again, for it never to be useful. So, rather then let my work sit in Google Drive, never to be opened again, my Medium is essentially a digital, non-paper protected, carefully organized binder of my PoW for the past few years. I didn’t make this Medium thinking anyone would read it, but on the off-chance it was helpful to someone, I thought it worth the effort.