7: bitcoin as money

So, now that we’ve established a baseline of what money is…how does bitcoin compare?

And for Maier’s scoring:

TL; DR: bitcoin is the best form of money ever created. Money is used to communicate value and to facilitate the exchange of preferences worldwide. Perfect money is one that holds its value and cannot be corrupted by an individual or state.

Today, money is how we coordinate economic activity, not how we store energy for generations, creating generational wealth. Bitcoin is how we do both. Bitcoin gets to the heart of the problem with our money and why humanity is ripe to embrace bitcoin. Economics and, by extension, money “is the foundation layer that gives rise to everything else,” and “abundance in money creates scarcity everywhere else, and scarcity in money creates abundance” (Booth 1, Booth 2).


8: Bitcoin’s Intrinsic Value


6: What is money?